

César Pera

Cesar Pera

Director HR Latam. Founding partner and member of the Global Coaching Society. Candidate to Doctorate of Personnel Management from Universidad de Madrid, Spain. Master in Human Resources Management from Universidad de Madrid, Spain.

Fernando Palma

Deputy Managing Analysis Treasury Banco de Credito del Peru (BCP). Member of Investment Committee and ALCO of Banco de Credito del Peru (BCP ) and Pacific Insurance Group . Masters in Business Administration majoring in Finance from ESAN. ​

Arsenio Muñoz

Master in Sustainable Development and Master in Humanitarian Aid, Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid (Spain). Master of Social Management, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Studies in Human Resources, Business Administration School - ESADE (Spain) and in Philosophy, Antonio Ruiz de Montoya University​.​

Gabi Ujike

Academic Director of the Corporate MBA and MBA programs at Universidad del Pacífico Graduate School. She holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Quebec, in Canada.


Manuel Carpio-Rivero

Logistics Manager in Pluspetrol. He has been Manager of Transportation in the Repsol YPF Group, and held various positions in the company Supply Chain Ducht Royal Shell in Europe. Specialized in developing strategies and negotiations in Supply Chain. MBA, University of Durham, England. Specialization in Supply Chain Management & Logistics, University of Cranfield, England.

Marcel Verand

Personal Branding Strategist. Lecturer and Potential Coach. Country Representative of Talentum. Master in Human Resources Management and Business Administration from the Business School UADE, Argentina. Coach internationally certified by Joseph O'Connor - International Coaching Community, Argentina​.​

Gerardo Peramás

Audit Partner at Deloitte. MBA Management - CENTRUM Catholic University . Bachelor of Accounting and Public Accounting from the National University of San Marcos.

Magaly Alarcón

​Miranda & Amado Senior Associate Lawyers.​ Advisor in Managing Work Processes of major companies such as Repsol, Telefonica, Backus. Master in Human Resources Management from EAE Business School and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain .​​​

Julianna Ramírez

Specialist in Corporate Social Responsibility, design of social projects, social marketing and corporate communication. Master in Business Management Communication at the University of Navarra, Spain.​

Orlando Cerruti

Msc. Operational Research, University of Sussex, United Kingdom. Technical Studies in Pschychoanalysis from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Perú​.​

Agustín Villanueva

Doctorate in Business Administration from Centrum - Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Master in Business Administration from INCAE.​

Juan Casanova

Head of Business Intelligence​, Pricing and Multimedia Projects Trade Group. Master in Business Administration from ESAN University. Marketing Master in Science by ESIC, Madrid, Spain .

Eduardo Mantilla

​He has been an A​dvisor to the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Master of Science in Policy Economics from the University of Illinois, United States.

Tomás Delgado

Administration and Finance Manager of Transportadora de Gas del Peru (TGP). Master in Business Administration from IESA, Venezuela​.

Darío Gastelo

General Manager Inizia Consultants, organizational consultant. Member of the board of the International Consortium on Experiential Learning England. Master in Business admnistración by the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (​UPC).

Bruno Novella

General Manager of the Bank Cencosud. Master in Business Administration from the University of Piura.​​

Alfredo Hoffmann

Managing Partner of Attegia. Master in Economics and Management from the IESE - University of Navarra, Spain​.

Iranzu Goicochea

Directive experience over 20 years of international experience in management, training, consulting and marketing in private companies, public institutions, ONGs and independently. Master in International Business from the University of the Basque Country Spain. Master of Marketing and Distribution at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain.

Alonso Villarán Contavalli

Alonso Villarán

Professor of ethics at Universidad del Pacífico. He was adjunct profesor at Loyola University Chicago and Chicago State University. He is a former board member of the Fulbright Association - Chicago Chapter and former Fulbright Scholar. Ph.D. in Philosophy, Loyola University Chicago and Lawyer, Universidad de Lima. He has published academic articles and study cases in Journal of Business Ethics, Harvard Business Publishing for Educators, The Philosophical Forum, etc.

Enzo Defilippi

Deputy Minister of Economy. Ph. D. in Economics, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Master in Management and Master in Public Policy from IESA, Venezuela. Degree in Economics from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.​

Giuliana Leguia Leguia

Masters Director of the Graduate School of Universidad del Pacifico. Doctoral Studies in Government Organizations, PAD of Piura University. Master in Management, PUCP and Maastricht School of Management, Netherlands. Law degree, Piura University.

Fabien Cornillier

Full time professor and researcher at the Universidad del Pacifico Graduate School. Ph.D. in Operations Research and MBA in Finance and Insurance from Laval University, Canada.​

Germán Alarco Tosoni

Professor and researcher at the Graduate School of Universidad del Pacifico. Master of Economics, Cente​​r for Economic Research and Teaching, AC (CIDE), Mexico. Degree in Economics from Universidad del Pacifico.​​

Rachel Gabel Shemueli

Member of the International Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Ph. D. in Management from the Universidad Ramon Llull de Barcelona, Spain.​

Vanina Farber

Faculty of the Universidad del Pacifico Graduate School. External consultant in the Ministry of Labor and Spanish Cooperation Agency Ph.D. in Business Administration and Master in Economics from the University of Memphis​, USA. Degree in Political Science from Buenos Aires University, Argentina

Aaron Sabbagh Mishaan

Aaron Sabbagh Mishaan

​Partner and General Manager of Ingouville, Nelsos & Asociados Peru. International Consultant in negotiation, innovation and leadership for various companies. Master in Organizational Studies from San Andres University, Argentina.

Alberto Humala Acuña

Alberto Humala

Assistant Manager Operations Monetary Policy Central Reserve Bank of Peru. Ph.D. in Economics and MSC in Economics and Finance from the University of Warwick​, UK.​

Aleida Sarmiento

Aleida Sarmiento Villena

Deputy Director of Investment Promotion Agency of Private Investment Promotion in Peru (ProInversion). Master in Business Administration, majoring in Finance, ESAN University, Lima, Peru​

Alejandro Flores Castro

Alejandro Flores

Vice Dean of Management Faculty of Business Administration of Universidad del Pacifico. Doctor of Business Administration and Master in Advanced Management from the Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, Spain.​

Alexis Boggio

Alexis Boggio Salazar

Professor of the Academic Department of Administration of the University of the Pacific. He has been Commercial Manager for the Andean Region of Ecuador OSRAM S.A. Master in Business Administration from the University of Piura, Peru.

Arnaldo Alvarado Lozano

Arnaldo Alvarado Lozano

Partner at PwC. MBA from Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola. Bachelor in Accounting from Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal and CPA.

Baltazar Caravedo Molinari

Baltazar Caravedo

​Director of the Leadership Center at the University of the Pacific. Master in Social Sciences and economist​, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru​​​

Betty Alvarado

Betty Alvarado Perez

Consultora del Banco Mundial. Ha laborado en el Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones y el Ministerio de Salud. Máster en Filosofía y Máster en Gestión Pública Wagner School of Public Service, New York University, con mención en Finanzas Públicas, Análisis de Política y Administración Internacional.​ Estados Unidos.

Carla Pennano Villanueva

Carla Pennano

Ex Commercial Support Manager Organizational Innovation. Master in Business Administration, M​ajoring in Marketing and Strategy, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada.

Jorge Carrillo

Commercial Manager at CRECER Seguros. He has been Deputy Commercial Corporate Manager of Insurance Business of Rimac and Chief of Commercial Intelligence and Control Management at Banco Financiero. Master in Business Administration from Universidad del Pacifico.

Carlos Parodi Trece

Carlos Parodi

MA in Economics, Georgetown University, ILADES Program, Chile. BA in Economics, Universidad del Pacifico. Senior Professor of the Department of Economics and Lead Investigator of the Research Center from Universidad del Pacifico. 

César Antúnez de Mayolo

César Antúnez de Mayolo

Central Manager of Comercializacion de Pandero SA EAFC. Facilitator of Harvard Business School Publishing - Corporate Learning. He was a member of the American Marketing Association, Academy of Marketing Science. Master in Business Administration from Universidad de Piura, Peru​

Dagoberto Díaz Díaz

General Manager from Jardines del Peru. MBA with major in Finance and International Business, University of Pittsburgh - United States. Candidate to PhD in Economics and Business Administration, Universidad de Deusto, Spain. Economist, Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru.

Daniel Benites Elorreaga

Production Manager at Alicorp S.A. Master in Business Administration, ESAN University, Lima, Peru​

David Mayorga

​Vice Chancellor of the University of the Pacific. Doctor Administration Hautes Etudes Commerciales School by Montereal University, Canada.​

David Raúl Saco Vértiz Guerrero

General Manager at Pedernal Supply Chain Management. Member of the Committee of Best Practices in Logistics at Global Standard One (GS1). PhD in Management, PUCP - Maastricht School of Management​

Edgar Alva Gonzales

Head professor and researcher and consultant at the Faculty of Business Studies and the Research Center of Universidad del Pacifico. Doctor in Economics and Business from the University of Deusto, Spain.​

Eduardo Rivero

Deputy General Manager of Marine fibers. Master in Business Administration from Universidad del Pacifico.​

Edwards Taboada Diaz

Associated with ALIAR manager S.A.C. He has been National Trade Marketing Manager at Backus SABMiller. Master in Business Administration from the University of Applied Sciences​ (UPC).

Enrique Alania Vera

Logistics Manager Antamina Mining Co. President of the Asociacion Peruana de Profesionales en Logistica (APROLOG). Doctor in Business Administration PUCP - Maastricht School of Management, Holland​.

Enrique Saravia

Head of Management Academic Department at Universidad del Pacifico. Doctorate and Master in Information and Knowledge Society by Universidad Oberta, Spain.

Fernando García Rada

Financial consultant. Economist and PhD Candidate in Economics at Johan Kepler University in Austria. Executive MBA from Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola and Fullerton California State University and MBA from the University of Quebec, Canada.

Francisco Garmendia Fossa

Corporate Director of Yanbal International. Doctorate in Business Administration, PUCP - Maastricht School of Management of Netherlands​

Gabriel Del Castillo Mory

Operations Manager of Clinica Internacional. Master in Management Sciences with major in Operations Management, University of Manchester - Institute of Science and Technology, UK​​

Gerardo Solís Visscher

Founder and Director of BSV Asset Management. Master in Business Administration from University of Chicago Booth School of Business with major in Analytical Finance, Economics, Econometrics and Statistics.

Gianfranco Musso Lázaro de Ortecho

Supply Chain Management Director at Union de Cervecerias Peruanas Backus & Johnston. Master in Finance, Universidad del Pacifico

Gina Pipoli de Azambuja

Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration at Universidad del Pacífico. Business consultant in the area of marketing. PhD in Economics and Management from Universidad de Deusto, Spain.

Gustavo Barboza Beraun

Managing Director of Alpha Investments Group. Master in Finance,  Universidad del Pacifico. Law, Universidad de Lima​

Jesús Tong Chang

Researcher and Consultant from Universidad del Pacífico. PhD in Economics and Corporate Management from Universidad de Deusto, Spain.

Jorge Díaz

Head Trader - BBVA Continental. MBA, The Wharton Business School, Pennsylvania, United States. Master of Finance, University of the Pacific​. CFA

Jorge Lladó

​Senior Specialist Capital Markets and Financial Regulation of the Central Reserve Bank . Masters in Business Administration from the University of Texas, Austin - United States.

Jorge Toyama

Main partner of the labor area at Miranda & Amado Abogados. Masters in Constitutional Law, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

José Antonio Vallarino Vinatea

General Manager of PROA 2 SAC. Master in Administration from Universidad del Pacifico.

José Carlos Mariátegui

Director and founder of Phantasia affiliated Wunderman. Founder of Alta Tecnología Andina - ATA and Ph.D. in Information Systems and Innovation from the London School of Economics - LSE, ​​London, UK.

José Díaz

Consultant for public institutions. PhD in Economics and Management from the University of Deusto, Spain. Master in Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. ​

José Espósito

​Division Manager Audit Corporate Auditor BCP and Credicorp and its subsidiaries. Master in Economics, University of Wisconsin​, United States.

Juan Carlos Mathews

Deputy Minister of MSEs and Industry. Former Executive Director of PromPeru Exports. Doctoral Candidate in Economics and Social Sciences at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria.

Juan Jose Duffo

Sales Manager of Grupo El Comercio. Master in Business Administration from the Graduate School of Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola.


Juan José Martínez

Master in Law, with major in Corporate Law, New York University School of Law. Lawyer, PUCP. Arbitrator of the Conciliation Center, and National and International Arbitration of the Lima Chamber of Commerce​

Karen Weinberger

Faculty, researcher and specialist in entrepreneurship at the University of the Pacific consultant. Master in Management from the University of the Pacific. Diploma of Advanced Studies in Economics and Business from the University of Deusto, Spain​.

Kurt Uzategui

​Marketing Manager at UNACEM. He has served as National Trade Marketing Manager and Brand Manager at Johnson & Johnson for Peru and Venezuela. Master in Business Administration from INCAE and the University Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile.​

Lucila Salazar

Manager Marketing, Advertising and CSR Sodimac Peru - Falabella Group. Master in Business Management, IE Business School. Degree in Architecture and Urbanism​, Universidad Ricardo Palma.

Luis Enrique Campos Fernández

Experience in project management of various areas in renowned companies. Former Deputy Director of Real Estate Investment Standardization Bureau (ONP). Master in Business Administration and Diploma in Computer Science from Universidad ESAN. Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) by the Project Management Institute​

Sandra Corso

Business consultant in strategy and organizational behavior. PhD in Psychology from Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain. Degree in Psychology from Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, España​

Luis Miguel Sanchez

Commercial Manager from Latina. Former Director General Peru, Peru MPG. Master in Business Management and Marketing from the School of Business Management and Marketing - ESIC (Spain). Business Administration, with a major in Marketing, from Universidad Arturo Prat, Chile.


Manuel Luy Molinié

Manager of Economics Studies from the Research Department at the Superintendence of Banks, Insurance and AFP*. M.A. in Economic Development from Sussex University, United Kingdom​

María Matilde Schwalb

Director of the Center for Responsible Management of Universidad del Pacifico. PhD in Economics and Management from Universidad de Deusto, Spain. Master in Business Administration with a major in Marketing and International Business from the University of Miami, United States.​

Martín Otiniano

Consultant in Strategic Management, Human Resources and Quality. Master in Administration from Universidad del Pacifico.

Mary Wong Suehiro

Deputy General Manager of Global Standard One (GS1). Director of the Association of Professional Logistics Peru (APROLOG) and Logistics Committee of AMCHAM. Master in Management, TEC of Monterrey (Mexico)​

Matthew Bird

Professor and researcher at the Universidad del Pacifico Graduate School. Ph.D. in Philosophy of the Department of Comparative Human Development at the University of Chicago, United States​

Michelle Rodriguez Serra

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Universidad del Pacifico. Master in Business Administration from Universidad ESAN.

Miguel Palomino

Director of the Central Reserve Bank (BCR). Chairman of Aventura Plaza. Ph.D. in Finance from Wharton School​, USA Economist at the University of the Pacific.​

Oscar de Azambuja Donayre

Dean of the Faculty of Business Engineering, Universidad del Pacifico. Master in Business Administration from the Maastricht School of Management, Netherlands. Strategic Master of Business Administration from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.​

Paul Castillo

Design Assistant Manager Monetary Policy Central Reserve Bank of Peru. Doctor of Economics​, London School of Economics, UK.

Pedro José de Zavala

Director of the Master in Marketing and Business Management from Universidad del Pacifico Graduate School. He has been General Manager and Business Unit Manager of Grupo El Comercio. Master in Business Administration from Universidad de Piura.​

Pedro Sevil Laumer

Supply Chain Manager of Maestro Peru. Former Logistics and Demand Manager of Procter & Gamble Peru. Master of Science in Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois, Chicago - USA​

Rafael Farromeque Quiroz

Director of Advance Logistics Group Andina and Europraxis Consulting for the Andean Region. Master in Supply Chain Management and Logistics, Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University, United Kingdom

Roddy Rivas - Llosa

Risko CEO S.A.C. Advanced Specialization in Financial Engineering, Harvard Business School. Master of Finance and Economics, University of the Pacific. C​FA

Rossana Montero Santos

Former National Director from Decentralization and Exporting Culture from Ministry of Tourism and Foreign Trade (MINCETUR). Master in Administration from Universidad del Pacifico.​

Sergey Udolkin Dakova

Vice Dean of Accounting of the Faculty of Business Studies, consultant and researcher from Universidad del Pacifico. Master in Business Administration from the University of Texas, United States.

Wilfredo Lafosse Quintana

Past President. He was director of the Center for Business Management Consulting at Universidad del Pacifico and General Director of Strategic Planning of the Ministry of Production. He served on the Board of Banco de Comercio and was President of the same bank until 2011. Ph.D in Business Administration from the Newport International University. MBA from the Universidad del Pacifico.​

Yvan García López

Vice dean of the Faculty of Information Engineering from Universidad del Pacifico. Master in Business Administration, PUCP - Maastricht School of Management, Netherlands​

José Díaz

Consultant for public institutions. PhD in Economics and Management from the University of Deusto, Spain. Master in Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. ​

Aaron Sabbagh Mishaan

​Partner and General Manager of Ingouville, Nelsos & Asociados Peru. International Consultant in negotiation, innovation and leadership for various companies. Master in Organizational Studies from San Andres University, Argentina.

Rossana Montero Santos

Former National Director from Decentralization and Exporting Culture from Ministry of Tourism and Foreign Trade (MINCETUR). Master in Administration from Universidad del Pacifico.​

Alonso Bueno

Former Risk Manager from BBVA Continental. MBA by Incae Bussines School and Universidad Adolfo Ibañez. Business Manager from Universidad de Lima.


Arnaldo Alvarado Lozano

Partner at PwC. MBA from Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola. Bachelor in Accounting from Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal and CPA.

Hebert Tassano

Chairman of the Board at INDECOPI. Master in Regulation of Public Services, UPC and IEDE Business School, Universidad Europea de Madrid. ​Energy Law, UPC and Governance and Local Government CEDDET - Spain. Lawyer, Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Christian Donayre

Academic Chief of the Executive Education Center and professor of the Law School at Universidad del Pacifico. He joined the Advisory Cabinet to the President of the Judiciary and Advisor to the Congress. ​Graduate of the Masters in Constitutional Law and Lawyer from Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Luis Carlos Adrianzén

Manager on Competition and Regulatory Issues from Union de Cervecerias Peruanas Backus & Johnston. He has served as counsel on issues related to competition and market regulation in the public and private sectors. Master in Law, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. Lawyer, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Gustavo Rodriguez

Senior lawyer and head of intellectual property at Benites, Forno & Ugaz Abogados. He has worked in the Technical Secretariat of the Chamber on Competition No. 2 INDECOPI (now Chamber on Consumer Protection). Master, Universidad Austral de Argentina. Lawyer from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Ricardo Maguiña

Member of the Advisory Board of Experts on Competition and Consumer Protection of UNCTAD (COMPAL). Consultant for international organizations and major Competition and Consumer Protection agencies in the region. ​MBA, Universidad de Piura - IESE Spain (Lima office).​

Abelardo Aramayo

Technical Secretary of the Control of Unfair Competition Commission. He was a member of the Commission on Consumer Protection No. 2 INDECOPI. He has been alternate member of the Commissions on Elimination of Bureaucratic Barriers, of Distinctive Signs and Property Rights at INDECOPI.​

Freddy Escobar

​Partner at Ferrero Law Firm. He was part of the Telefonica Group (Lima, Madrid), Andersen and Ernst & Young (Lima, New York). Graduate Studies in Financial Recruitment, University Castilla La Mancha. Master of Laws, Harvard University. Lawyer from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Edwin Aldana

​Technical Secretary of the Commission on Consumer Protection No. 2 INDECOPI Headquarters. He joined the Consumer Protection Committee of INDECOPI Regional Office in Ica. MBA graduate, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola Graduate School. Master of Laws with a major in Business Law. Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Daniel Schmerler

​Technical Secretary of the decision-making bodies of the Supervisory Board for Investment in Energy and Mining - OSINERGMIN, responsible for managing two administrative courts of that regulating entity. Master of Intellectual Property and Competition. Lawyer, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Gonzalo Ruíz

​President of Osiptel and member of the Committee of PRO INTEGRATION at PROINVERSION. He has served as Deputy Minister of MTC; President of the Consumer Protection Commission of INDECOPI. Master of Arts in Economics, Graduate Program in Economics ILADES / Georgetown University, Santiago de Chile.​

Andres Calderon

​Lawyer at Muñiz, Ramirez, Perez-Taiman & Olaya Law Firm. He was Technical Secretary of the Court Dispute Resolution OSIPTEL. He was Legal Coordinator of the Board of Defense and the Competition Tribunal of INDECOPI and the Committee for the Defense of Free Competition of INDECOPI. Master of Laws, Yale University, USA Fulbright Scholarship.​

Paolo del Águila

​Independent consultant and arbitrator. Chairman of the Committee on Bankruptcy Proceedings of INDECOPI, Lima Norte. He was Secretary General of the Arbitration Center of the Lima Chamber of Commerce. Master of Laws and Lawyer from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Ronnie Farfan

​Associate Attorney at Echecopar Law Firm. Specialist in Administrative Law, Promotion of Private Investment and Procurement. Professor in Law School, Universidad del Pacifico​. Lawyer from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Folke Kafka

Full time professor at the School of Business Joseph M. Katz at the University of Pittsburgh. Professor of Business Economics and Industrial Engineering in the Engineering and Technological Innovations Management Program of the Department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. ​Master of Economics, University of Chicago.

Jaime Escribens

Independent Tax Consultant and Speaker specialized in Corporate Taxation issues. He has been a partner of Hernandez & Cia. Law firm and Secretary Rapporteur for the Tax Court. Specialist in Tax and Financial Law. Tax Law Professor at Universidad del Pacifico. Member of the Peruvian Institute of Tax Law (IPDT). Lawyer from PUCP.

Jorge Bliman

​Founder and Managing Director of Franchising Advisors. Co-founder and President of The Franchise Center -TFC-, a network of Franchise Consultants, specialized in the development, promotion and marketing of franchises. Director of the Argentinian Association of Trademarks and Franchises (AAMF).

Javier Vasquez

Head of Structured Finance at the Promotion of Private Investment Agency. MBA from Universidad ESAN. Industrial Engineering from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería.

Hernan Aparicio

Master in Business Administration Executive Program at the Universidad de Piura. Diploma in IFRS by the "Association of Chartered Certified Accountants - ACCA" of Glasgow, UK. Certified Public Accountant, USA. Certified Public Accountant in Peru. Accountant from Universidad Ricardo Palma.​

Juan M. Arrarte

Master of Business Administration from Universidad de Piura. IFRS certificate issued by the "Association of Chartered Certified Accountants - ACCA" of Glasgow, UK​. Accountant from Universidad de Lima. Partner of the Auditing area and Partner in charge of the Trujillo Office.​

John Casas

MBA from the Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada. Certified Public Accountant. Accountant from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Degree in Taxation from Universidad de Lima. Partner of the Legal and Tax Services Area. Member of the Peruvian Institute of Tax Research and Development​.

Rafael Ferrer

​Accounting degree from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. MBA studies at Universidad del Pacifico in partnership with ESADE Business School. ​More than 13 years of experience in external auditing firms in the industrial, real estate, construction and commercial sectors​​​.

Cecilia Hashimoto

Partner PwC. MBA from Quebec University in Montreal, Canada. Bachelor in Accounting Sciences from Universidad de Lima and CPA.

Vanessa Maravi

Diploma in IFRS by the "Association of Chartered Certified Accountants - ACCA" of Glasgow, UK. Diploma in IFRS from Universidad del Pacifico. CPA. Graduared from Universidad del Pacifico. Manger from the Auditing Area. More than 9 years of experience in auditing agribusiness, industry and construction.

Patricia Mejia

Diploma in IFRS by the "Association of Chartered Certified Accountants - ACCA" of Glasgow, UK. CPA.​ Manager from the Auditing Area. More than 15 years of experience in Business Risk Assessment at process level for companies in the commercial and industrial sectors.

Luis W. Montero

​Diploma in IFRS by the "Association of Chartered Certified Accountants - ACCA" of Glasgow, UK. Certified Public Accountant, USA. Certified Public Accountant in Peru.​ Administration studies from the Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada. Partner in Consulting Services Accounting area. ​

Rodrigo Isasi

Director of INSITUM Peru. MBA, IDE Business School aligned with IESE Business School, with a major in marketing and sales, Kellogg School of Management. Master of Design Methods in IIT Institute of Design, Chicago, USA. Expertise in innovation, Stanford GSB &

Alvaro Diaz

​Director INSITUM Colombia, leading innovation consulting firm in Latin America. ​Consultant for Human Factors International, a global consulting firm, focusing on emerging markets, where he led several projects in Latin America. Master of Design, University of Montreal. Degree in Industrial Design, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

Ana Luisa Orbegoso

Corporate Director of Business Innovation and Director of the L'Bel brand, leading its repositioning. MBA, Universidad del Pacifico. Certified Design Thinking, Stanford University and Business Model Canvas with its creator, Alex Osterwalder.

​​​Fernando Ramirez

Experienced Practitioner in innovation and marketing. Successful entrepreneur, owner and manager of La Panartería, new business model that is changing the sector in Mexico. He has established and led innovation departments in Kellogg and Kraft Foods, in Mexico and Brazil.

Martin Zabaleta

Director of INSITUM Argentina. Consultant in innovation, specialized in strategic project development through user-centered design methodologies (design thinking). Master of Design (MDes), Institute of Design (IIT), specializing in Innovation and Design Planning.​



Humberto Arrese

Legal Counsel Manager of COSAPI. Arbitrator registered in the Arbitration Center of the Lima Chamber of Commerce, the AMCHAM Arbitration Center and the Center for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Master of Business Law from the University of Bristol, England.​

Alex Campos

Arbitrator and Partner of Pizarro, Botto & Escobar law firm. Vice President of the Peruvian Society of Construction Law. Master of Laws from the University of New York. Law degree from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Carlos Carpio

Senior Partner of Rodrigo, Elias & Medrano law firm. Expert in Administrative, Procurement and Real Estate Law. ICSID consultant for International Arbitrations linked to the Real Estate Law. Arbitrator of OSCE on Disputes with Contracting with the State. Law degree from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Daniel Fernández

Business Development Manager of COSAPI. Management experience in the areas of business development, negotiation and contract administration; project planning and control and production management in the oil and gas, urban buildings, heavy infrastructure and mining sectors. ​

Eric Franco

Legal Superintendent GDF Suez. International experience in negotiating contracts for engineering and construction, arbitration and dispute resolution, concessions, project finance and mergers and acquisitions. Master in Construction Law and Dispute Resolution at King's College, London​.

Jaime Gray

Officer of the International Construction Projects Committee of the IBA and Founder of the firm Sologuren Navarro, Paredes, Gray Law Firm. President of the Peruvian Society of Construction Law. Master in Business Law by Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. Lawyer from Universidad Privada de San Martin de Porres.

Jose Lama

Associate Lawyer at Pizarro, Botto & Escobar Law Firm. Member of the Society of Construction Law in the UK and founding member of the Peruvian Society of Construction Law. Specialist Construction Law and Dispute Resolution, especially including planning, implementation and management of infrastructure projects.​

Carlos Lopez

Post President of the Arbitration Center CD Lima from CIP. 37 years of experience in the field of public works in the implementation and monitoring of projects, both funded by the public treasury and cooperating entities. He has been a director of the College of Engineers of Peru and the Peruvian Association of Consulting.​

Enrique Navarro

Founding partner of Sologuren Navarro, Paredes, and Gray Law Firm. Construction team leader. Specialist in Construction Law, Labor Law and Tax Law, with over 30 years’ experience in the sector. Master in Management of Construction and Real Estate Management from Univesidad Politecnica de Madrid. Law degree from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru.

Carlos Núñez

Partner of Pizarro, Botto & Escobar Law Firm. Former Consultant for the Legal Department of the IDB in Washington DC. ​Master of Laws from Georgetown University. Finance program at ESAN. Law degree from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Gustavo Paredes

Partner of Sologuren Navarro, Paredes, and Gray Law Firm.​ Master in Business Law by Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas and expertise in Alternative Dispute Resolution, Paul Herbert Law Center of Louisiana State University. Lawyer from Universidad Privada de San Martín de Porres.

Ricardo Rodriguez

Independent arbitrator and consultant. Arbitrator awarded the Medal of law by the Lima Bar Association. Arbitrator registered in major arbitration centers. ​Management Development Program at Universidad de Piura, with studies at Universidad Catolica de Buenos Aires and Ferris State College, Michigan. Lawyer from Universidad Privada San Martin de Porres.

José Steck

Member of the Construction Team at Sologuren Navarro, Paredes, and Gray Law Firm. Secretary and Board Member of the Peruvian Society of Construction Law. Postgraduate Studies in International and Investment from the Universidad del Pacifico and the Arbitration Center of the American Chamber of Commerce. Law degree from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Daniel Falcón

Neo Consulting Managing Director and Country Manager for Peru of the Digital Analytics Association. More than 13 years experience in digital strategy consulting. ​Certificate in Data-Driven Strategic Marketing and Consumer Insights by Kellogg School of Management.

David Reyes

Senior Editor of Economic Week. Digital and economic postgraduate studies in finance and data-driven marketing, Universidad del Pacifico. Digital marketing, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas and stock market, Bursen, Lima Stock Exchange journalist.​

Gustavo Jiménez

​He has been Director of Planning and Budget in COFOPRI. Director of Investment Promotion and Facilitation in PROINVERSION. Head of Planning and Budget in the APCI and Consultant in MININTER, SUNARP, MIDIS and MINAM. He has worked in multilateral banking, corporate banking, investment funds and credit unions.​

Fernando Casafranca

Professor and Researcher at Universidad del Pacifico. Head of Corporate Engineering. Master of Business Administration and Technology Management, University of Phoenix, USA. Electronic Engineering with specialization in Telecommunications, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria.


Daniel Avila

General manager of INIZIA consultants. MBA from Instituto de Empresa Business School in Madrid. ​Degree in Psychology from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru and Certificate in Instructional Design Development of the American Society for Training and Development.

Antonio Esquivel

Senior Sales Manager of Global Transaction Banking at Scotiabank Peru. Vice-Chairman of Foreign Trade ASBANC. Professor and lecturer to various universities and institutions on issues related to foreign trade. Master in International Business, Escuela de Organizacion Industrial de España. Industrial engineer.​

Luis Torres

Director of Export Promotion in PROMPERU. President of the Single Window for Foreign Trade, and member of the negotiating team of the Peru - US and Peru - Chile Free Trade Agreements. MBA, Universidad del Pacifico with a major in marketing services. Industrial Engineer and Manager of International Business.​

Carlos Zelada

Professor of the Law and Social Sciences Department at Universidad del Pacifico.

Pedro Pablo Durand

Consultant Senior Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma Institute. Master in Supply Chain Management, Universidad del Pacifico. Complementary studies at MIT in Boston, USA such as Graduate Certificate in Global Logistics & SCM (MIT Team Annual Award Winner 2013). Industrial Engineer, Universidad de Lima.

Gustavo Escudero

Executive specialized in operations and logistics. Certificate in Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Master of Supply Chain Management, Universidad del Pacifico. MBA, Universidad de Piura. Mechanical Engineer, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.


Francisco Garmendia

Corporate Purchasing Manager at Yanbal International. Belia Trading General Manager Peru. Professor of the Master of Supply Chain Management, Universidad del Pacifico. Doctorate of Business Administration, PUCP - Maastricht School of Management in the Netherlands.


Miguel Huaman

Corporate Compensation Manager at Alicorp. Expert in Total Reward Management and Strategic Communication of Compensations. Master in Management and Strategic Human Resources from UPC Business School and EOI Foundation (Spain). Degree in Industrial Engineering from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Javier Swayne

Derivatives and Structuring Manager, Corporate & Investment Banking at BBVA Continental. ​He has been Summer Associate of J.P. Morgan and Senior Associate BBVA - Global Markets. CFA and MBA, University of Virginia. Degree in Economics from Universidad de Lima.

Carmen Carrillo

Financial Academic Chief of the Executive Education Center and Professor at Universidad del Pacifico. Accountant, Universidad del Pacifico.

Cristina Chichizola

Consulting Project Manager. Process Management, Quality and Logistics in Business Management Consultants. She has been a consultant in Processes and Logistics Management at Le Cordon Bleu Peru. Executive MBA, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola. Industrial Engineer, Universidad de Lima.

Milagros Olaya

Process and Internal Control Consultant. Former Deputy Manager from Technical Training and Chief Audit in LAN Airlines. More than 15 years of experience in project management, risk analysis, process redesign and optimization.

Enrique Saravia

Professor of the School of Management and member of the Research Center and Consultant for Business Management Consulting Center at Universidad del Pacifico. Doctor in Knowledge Society by Universidad Oberta de Catalunya, Spain. Civil Engineer, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Nelson Bertoli

Master in Business Law, Universidad de Navarra, Spain. MBA, Centrum Catolica. Master in Financial Management, ESEAD. Lawyer, Universidad de Lima. Manager of Legal Counsel, Banco Financiero and Director of Carsa​​​.

Juan Jimenez

BA in Economics, Universidad del Pacifico. Professor of Corporate Finance, Investment, among others, at Universidad del Pacifico. He has held management positions in the areas of finance, investment, actuarial, risk and planning in various leading companies in the financial sector at national and international level.




Alex Sosa

Technical Secretary of the National Council of Advertising Self-Regulation. Professor in the Master of Intellectual Property Law and Competition at Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Master in Business Law at Universidad San Martin de Porres and Instituo Peruano de Publicidad.​

Alfredo Gildemeister

He has been General Counsel of Grupo Repsol YPF in Peru, Manager of Tax & Legal at Cargill Peru, and Tax Manager at Deloitte & Touche Tohmatsu International. ​Doctor in Tax Law from Universidad de Navarra, Spain. Law degree from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Miguel Mur

​Former Senior Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers. He has been President of the Peruvian Institute of Tax Law. Professor at the Academic Department of Law, Universidad del Pacifico and Universidad de Lima. Master of Business Administration, Quebec University, Montreal. Independent Tax Consultant. Law degree from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. 

Francisco Pantigoso

​University professor with 20 years of teaching experience in tax matters in various universities in the country and abroad. Speaker of the House Peru - Brazil (Federasur). Author of several articles and papers in his specialty. MBA from Universidad del Pacifico. Specialization in International Tax Law at Universidad Santiago de Compostela, Spain.​ 

Richard Llaque

​Compliance Manager for Large Companies and Economic Groups of SUNAT (National Superintendency of Tax Administration). Before he was Control Manager for Principal National Contributors, Head of the Division of Complaints and Manager of Programming and Control Management also at SUNAT.​

Alexander Chiu

CEO of Future Labs, advertising and communications consultant 2.0. ​Journalist and publicist with graduate studies in marketing, digital media and neuroscience, Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia and DW-Akademie, Germany.

Diana Castañeda

Extensive experience in promoting entrepreneurship; evaluation of business plans; design strategies for social responsibility; mapping of stakeholders, design consultation mechanisms, identification of social risks; design, implementation and evaluation of social projects.​​

Carla Pennano

Former Business Manager of Organizational Innovation Support. Master in Business Administration, with a major in Marketing and Strategy, Rotman School of Management, Toronto University Canada.

Marcos Leite

Professor of Business Administration at the Paulista-UNIP Sao Paulo University, Brazil. IFRS certificate by the "Association of Chartered Certified Accountants - ACCA" of Glasgow, UK. Certified Public Accountant in Brazil. Partner of the Financial Services Area​.




Francisco Patiño

​Master in Business Administration from ESAN. Diploma in IFRS from Universidad del Pacifico. Diploma in Taxation 2013 from Universidad de Lima. Certified Public Accountant.​ Audit partner area. More than 18 years of experience in the field of financial auditing, mainly in the financial, commercial and industrial sectors.

Marshela Rojas

Diploma in IFRS from the "Association of Chartered Certified Accountants - ACCA" of Glasgow, UK. Diploma in IFRS Universidad del Pacífico. Certified Public Accountant graduated from the Faculty of Accounting and Administration of Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Line Manager Accounting Consulting Services.​

Juan Manuel Casanova

​Head of Commercial Intelligence & Rates Multiplatform on Trade Group. Master of Science in Marketing ESIC Business & Marketing School, Madrid. Master of Business Administration from ESAN.​ Statistical and Computer Engineering from the Universidad Agraria La Molina.

Julio Seneor

Partner and CEO of the American Franchising Group SAS - Colombia. Professor and Lecturer in franchising and intellectual property; Specialist in Labor Law, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Specialist in Commercial Law, Universidad de Los Andes. Law degree, Universidad de Santo Tomas.

Carla Murguia

She has over 10 years’ experience in the financial sector in companies such as COFIDE, BBVA Continental, Banco de Credito del Peru and Interbank.​ Now Head of Financial Management and responsible for balance sheet management and capital within the Vice President of Finance at Interbank.

Michael Geiser

He has extensive experience in the financial sector. He is currently head of foreign exchange desk at Banco Santander Peru. CFA certifications, FRM (Financial Risk Manager) and PRM (Professional Risk Manager)

Jessica Talledo

Continuous Improvement Manager at the Graduate School of Universidad del Pacifico. Specialist in process management and quality management. Graduate Project Management PMP, Auditor ISO 9001: 2008, Master of Strategic Business Administration from Catolica Centrum. The Black Belt Lean Six Sigma Institute​. 

Ivan Cuevas

Lean Six Sigma specialist. He is currently responsible for the development and implementation of continuous improvement projects in Trupal. Black Belt consultant in the sugar sector companies in Venezuela, plastic and chemical laboratory raw materials sectors and André Badi clothing collection in Mexico​.

Mario Velasquez

Wealth Management Manager at Banco de Credito del Peru. MBA at Manchester Business School. Masters in Finance from Universidad del Pacifico. Degree in Economics from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. CFA Charterholder.

Javier Steindl

Senior Executive Director –Head Trader from BBVA Contintental. MBA by IE Business School. Manager and Financier from Universidad de Lima.

Claudia Canepa

Chief Supervisor of Operational Risk at the Superintendency of Banking and Insurance and AFPs. ​MBA, European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) in Germany. Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Catolica Del Peru.

Renzo Canalle

Technical Secretary of the Committee on Bankruptcy Proceedings of Lima Norte headquarters of Indecopi. He has taught Bankruptcy Law in state agencies and universities, and has written and contributed to articles on the subject. Lawyer from Universidad de Lima, and Graduate studies in Business Law in this university.

Jaime Gaviño

Partner, Technical Secretary of the Commission on Bankruptcy Proceedings of Indecopi. Member of the working group that prepared the draft Law No. 27809 - General Law of the Bankruptcy System (2002) and the draft of Legislative Decree No. 1050, which amended the General Law of Bankruptcy System (2008). Lawyer, Universidad de San Martin de Porres. Degree in Finance and Business Law, ESAN. 

Orlando Cerruti

Msc. Operational Research, University of Sussex, United Kingdom. Technical Studies in Pschychoanalysis from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Perú​.​

Tommy Deza

He was General Director of Development and Legal System and Director of the Center for Studies on Justice and Human Rights of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. Master in Regulation of Public Services Network of Universidad de Barcelona and Business Law from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Lawyer, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.

Rafael Vera

Regulatory Affairs Manager of the National Society of Industries, Commissioner of the Commission on Elimination of Bureaucratic Barriers INDECOPI and Professor of Economics at Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Master in Economics, New York University and Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru; special courses in the World Bank, IMF, IDB and Study Center Gerzensee.

Juan Pablo Schiantarelli

Peru expert designated by the European Commission and the University of Alicante on intellectual property and competition law in the framework of the MERCOSUR IPR SME Helpdesk. ​Master in Intellectual Property and Information Technology from Universidad de Alicante, Spain. Lawyer, Universidad de Lima.

María del Carmen Tovar

Partner at Echecopar firm. Associate at Baker & McKenzie International.


Jimmy Astoconodor

Masters in Finance from Universidad del Pacifico. Economist from Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, with experience in various sectors and companies such as Caja Luren, CA SAB Peru, Diners Club, Financial Trust, Citibank del Peru y Cia Minera Atacocha​​.

Rachel Gabel Shemueli

Member of the International Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Ph. D. in Management from the Universidad Ramon Llull de Barcelona, Spain.​

Vanina Farber

Faculty of the Universidad del Pacifico Graduate School. External consultant in the Ministry of Labor and Spanish Cooperation Agency Ph.D. in Business Administration and Master in Economics from the University of Memphis​, USA. Degree in Political Science from Buenos Aires University, Argentina

Alberto Parodi

General Manager of Grupo Consulta. He has been Head of Office and Head of Quality Control at Banco Wiese-Sudameris and Medical Advisor and Coordinator of Marketing at 3M. He has also been Corporate Advisor of Human Development and Strategic Planning in Yobel SCM. MBA, ESAN, with major in Business Strategy and Management.

Alejandro Garro

General Manager of Promarket Peru. President of the MIBODAPERU Portal. He created the CLUB FRANQUICIA PERÚ portal and the MIBODAPERU portal; he won the Creatividad Empresarial award. Founder of the Peruvian Chamber of Franchises. Graduate Diploma in Marketing, Universidad ESAN. Professional in Business Administration, Escuela de Negocios IPAE.

​ ​

Alessandri Zapata

Senior Project Manager at Banco de Credito; Master of Project Management, Universidad Nacional de San Augustin. PMP® certified Project Management Professional, USA Diploma in Project Management, PM Certifica, PMI REP; Systems Engineer, Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria.

Augusto De la Cruz

Diploma in Financial Risk, TEC Monterrey, Lima Office. Accountant graduated from the Universidad Ricardo Palma. Manager of Accounting Consulting Services. He has participated in financial audits under Peru GAAP, US GAAP and IFRS's, audit of internal control (SOX); he has made special reviews, diligence review (due diligence).​

Baltazar Caravedo

​Director of the Leadership Center at the University of the Pacific. Master in Social Sciences and economist​, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru​​​

Carla Pennano

Ex Commercial Support Manager Organizational Innovation. Master in Business Administration, M​ajoring in Marketing and Strategy, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada.

Carlos Parodi

MA in Economics, Georgetown University, ILADES Program, Chile. BA in Economics, Universidad del Pacifico. Senior Professor of the Department of Economics and Lead Investigator of the Research Center from Universidad del Pacifico. 

Cesar Montoya

Associate Coach Consultant at JML Management Consulting and Head Coach at the International Competence Centre (CIC). He has been Manager of Administration, Human Resources and Finance in Exhibits Peru. Currently he is pursuing a Master in Strategic Human Factor, the Business School EOI, Spain.​


Claudia Draghi

Coach and Team Coach certified by the International Coaching Community, London. He has been Director of the Events Committee of the Peruvian Association of Coaching, Partner and Consultant of the School of Organizational Development, Jamming. Master in Marketing and Sales Management, Escuela de Negocios EOI, Spain.​


Dagoberto Díaz Díaz

General Manager from Jardines del Peru. MBA with major in Finance and International Business, University of Pittsburgh - United States. Candidate to PhD in Economics and Business Administration, Universidad de Deusto, Spain. Economist, Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru.

Daniel Oliva

Partner of the Audit Area and of Accounting Consulting Services; member of the Technical Committee of PwC Peru. MBA from the Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada. Diploma in IFRS by the "Association of Chartered Certified Accountants - ACCA" of Glasgow, UK​​​.

Eduardo Bastante

Intendant of the Supervision Department of Credit Risks in the Superintendence of Banking and Insurance and Private Pension Fund Administrators. He has been a Market Risk Analyst in the Superintendence of Banking and Insurance and Private Pension Fund Administrators

Enrique Donohue

Coach certified by the ICC (International Coaching Community). ​Professional with over 12 years’ experience in the financial sector, specialized in mypes and pymes, with skills in planning and business strategies implementation as well as in direction and developing teams potential.


Estela Villar

Corporate Manager in Belcorp. ​He has been Deputy Manager of Organization, Methods and Marketing at Banco de Vivienda. Highly specialized Master in Coaching and Leadership, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola. Economist, sociologist and international relations specialist, Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil.

Eugenio Hernández-Bretón

Partner at Baker & McKenzie law firm (Caracas).

Felix Novoa

Central Administration and Finance and Operations Manager of Grupo RPP. He previously served as General Manager of Grupo Silvestre, Chief Financial Officer of Grupo Gloria, Chief Financial Officer of Wong.​ ​CPC and MBA from ESAN. Accountant from Universidad del Pacifico.

Fernando Cantuarias

Dean of the Faculty of Law, Universidad del Pacifico.

Franz Stirnimann

Partner at Winston & Strown (Geneva).​

Giuliana Leguia Leguia

Masters Director of the Graduate School of Universidad del Pacifico. Doctoral Studies in Government Organizations, PAD of Piura University. Master in Management, PUCP and Maastricht School of Management, Netherlands. Law degree, Piura University.

Gonzalo Presa

General Manager of Scotia Fondos. He has been Representative of Tradewire Securities and Investment Board Chief of AFP Horizonte. Economist from Universidad del Pacifico. CFA Charterholder.

Gustavo Villafana

Bachelor in Business Administration with major in Financial Management certified by the Universidad de Lima. Partner of the Auditing Area and Accounting Consulting Services. More than 12 years’ experience in financial auditing and internal control of financial and commercial companies, among others. He worked in the office of PwC San Francisco, USA

Hector Perez

Diploma in IFRS from Universidad del Pacífico. IFRS Certified by the "Association of Chartered Certified Accountants - ACCA" of Glasgow, UK. MBA studies at the Universidad del Pacífico in partnership with ESADE Business School. Certified Public Accountant from Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. ​

Ignacio Suarez

Partner at Clifford Chance (Washington, New York).

Ignacio Tortetola

International Counsel of the firm Foley Hoag (Washington).

Jalil Sotomayor

Deputy Manager of Planning and Operations Control Interbank. MBA, at Universidad Europea de Madrid. International certifications: CAPM® (Certified Associate in Project Management), PMP® (Project Management Professional), PMI-RMP® (Risk Management Professional), PMI-SP® (Scheduling Professional) and CBAB® (Certified Business Analysis Professional)​.

Jorge Carrillo

Commercial Manager at CRECER Seguros. He has been Deputy Commercial Corporate Manager of Insurance Business of Rimac and Chief of Commercial Intelligence and Control Management at Banco Financiero. Master in Business Administration from Universidad del Pacifico.

Jorge Javier Vidalon

Trainer on issues of service and customer orientation in the major hotel chains in the country. Extensive experience in university teaching both undergraduate and graduate levels on issues related to the marketing of services.


Jorge Minaya

Consultant in Human Resources specialized in Strategic Planning and Compensation Management, HR LATAM. More than 20 years of professional experience in human resources management. Master of Strategic Business Administration, CENTRUM Catolica​.

Jorge Toyama

Main partner of the labor area at Miranda & Amado Abogados. Masters in Constitutional Law, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Jose Tafur

Certificate and Diploma in IFRS by the "Association of Chartered Certified Accountants - ACCA" of Glasgow, UK. ​MBA studies at Universidad del Pacifico in partnership with ESADE Business School. Senior manager of the Auditing area. More than 14 years’ experience in financial audits in the industrial, commercial and oil industry sectors.

Juan Carlos Mathews

Deputy Minister of MSEs and Industry. Former Executive Director of PromPeru Exports. Doctoral Candidate in Economics and Social Sciences at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria.

Juan Jose Duffo

Sales Manager of Grupo El Comercio. Master in Business Administration from the Graduate School of Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola.


Julio Guadalupe

Partner at Rodrigo, Elías and Medrano Abogados. ​Member of the Committees for Tax Affairs and Trade Facilitation of the Peruvian- American Chamber of Commerce- AMCHAM and of the Foreign Trade Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of Lima. Lawyer, Universidad de Lima with specialization in the National Customs School (ENA).

Karen Weinberger

Faculty, researcher and specialist in entrepreneurship at the University of the Pacific consultant. Master in Management from the University of the Pacific. Diploma of Advanced Studies in Economics and Business from the University of Deusto, Spain​.

Luis Alonso García

SLead Partner at Echecopar firm. He was Vice Minister of Foreign Trade. Chief negotiator of Intellectual Property in the FTA between Peru and the United States. He chaired the Intellectual Property Chamber of the Tribunal of INDECOPI. Graduate in Business Administration, ESAN. Lawyer, Universidad de Lima. 

Luis Cachay

Senior Manager of Risk Market Scotiabank. Chairman of the Risk Market Committee of the Association of Banks. Former General Manager of SAF funds BBVA Continental. Internationally certified auditor CIA and CRM Certification Risks.

Luis Diez Canseco

Judge of the Andean Community Court of Justice. Member of the Competition Tribunal of INDECOPI and official UNCTAD, WIPO and CAN. Master of Laws, George Washington University Law School. Universidad Catolica del Peru. Lawyer, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru. ​

Luis Eduardo Garcia

Associate director at Crestcom INTERNATIONAL GROUP. Degree in Human Resources and Total Quality, University of San Diego, California. Certified Management Dynamics, Gerzha, Mexico and Erathis, Peru. Industrial Engineer, Universidad de Lima.

Luis Kiser R.

President of Front Consulting Peru. He has been General Manager of the Peruvian Chamber of Franchises and President of the same institution. He was Representative for Peru at the FIAF (Iberoamerican Franchising Federation). Lawyer, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.​

Luis Miguel Sanchez

Commercial Manager from Latina. Former Director General Peru, Peru MPG. Master in Business Management and Marketing from the School of Business Management and Marketing - ESIC (Spain). Business Administration, with a major in Marketing, from Universidad Arturo Prat, Chile.


Manuel Luy Molinié

Manager of Economics Studies from the Research Department at the Superintendence of Banks, Insurance and AFP*. M.A. in Economic Development from Sussex University, United Kingdom​

María del Carmen Tovar

Partner at Echecopar firm. Associate at Baker & McKenzie International. Master in International Economic Law, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Diploma in Business Consultancy, Universidad de Salamanca. Lawyer, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.


Mario Chipoco

Senior business executive with a major in marketing and strategic business planning. Teaching at undergraduate and graduate level in the lines of marketing and technology, as well as implementation of commercial projects, university education, information technology and communications.​


Michelle Rodriguez Serra

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Universidad del Pacifico. Master in Business Administration from Universidad ESAN.

Migle Maya

Lead consultant - Partner in the National Consulting Center. Master in Management and Business Administration, Instituto de Empresa, Madrid, Spain. Diploma in Strategic Management, Universidad del Pacifico. Administrative Engineer, University Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.

Nicolas Oberrath

Diploma in IFRS by the "Association of Chartered Certified Accountants - ACCA" of Glasgow, UK. ​Level 3CFA®. Partner at the Advisory area. Over 8 years’ experience in valuations and financial analysis in consulting companies and banks in different countries in Europe and Latin America.

Pablo Saravia

Diploma in IFRS by the "Association of Chartered Certified Accountants - ACCA" of Glasgow, UK. Master in Business Administration Executive Program at Universidad de Piura. Certified Public Accountant (CPA) New Jersey, USA. ​Over 19 years of experience in auditing industrial, mining, construction and service companies.

Paul Collazos

Chief Economist of the Research Department of the SBS. Master of Science in Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science. Master of Finance, Universidad del Pacífico.

Paul Zanabria Gainza

Senior Executive of the Treasury Risk Unit, Development Bank of Latin America (CAF). Master of Science in Finances, George Washington University, Washington DC., USA.

Pedro Martinez-Fraga

Partner at Bryan Cave LLP (Miami).

Pedro Velasquez

Member of the Tax Court. A graduate of the Master of Accounting with a major in Tax Policy and Administration, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lawyer, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Pierino Stucchi

Investor defender of the Superintendency of Securities and Member of the Dumping Control Commission and Subsidies of Indecopi. He has been General Counsel of the Indecopi and International Officer of the General Secretariat of the Andean Community. Master in Business Law with a major in Market Law, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas.​

Pierre Ramírez

Manager of Human Resources and Administration of the Banco Interamericano de Finanzas. Expert in design of compensation systems. Master of Organization and Personnel Management from ESAN, with a major in Human Resources, from UPC and further studies at the Universidad Ramon Llull - ESADE (Barcelona, Spain).​

Ricardo Cueva

Unit manager of brand research and innovation Ipsos Peru. Specialist in qualitative market research focused on the design, performance and analysis of qualitative information collecting tools. Work performed with youth and adolescents in marginal urban sectors in health, sexual and reproductive issues.


Santiago Perez

Partner at HR Latam and Founding Member of the International Association of Coaching-IAC, United States and Managing Partner of EMA Partners Peru (Executive Search).

Sara Campos

Manager of the Labor Area at Galvez, Risso and Associates. A graduate of the Master of Labor Relations, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Specialization in Labor Relations for Latin American Experts, Universidad Castilla – La Mancha, Toledo, Spain. Lawyer, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Sara Geller

Human Resources Manager at Forma Gráfica. She has been Selection Manager at Sysco, Selection Director at Master in Organizational Psychology, Universidad San Martin de Porres. Psychologist, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazon.

Segundo Capristan

Comptroller Manager at Lindley Corporation. Former Treasury Manager at Lindley Corporation. MBA from Maastricht School of Management, Netherlands. Master in Strategic Management and Accountant from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Sergio Alvarez

Senior Manager Advisory of Transaction and Corporate Finance at Ernst & Young Peru. MBA from Adolfo Ibañez School of Management. Master in Financial Economics from Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Commercial Engineer from Universidad de Valparaíso de Chile.


Vicente Tieri

Certified IFRS by the "Association of Chartered Certified Accountants - ACCA" of Glasgow, UK. Public Accountant from Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay. ​Partner of the Auditing Area and manager of the program Learning & Education at PwC Audit. More than 21 years’ experience in auditing for the financial, commercial and industrial service sectors.

Walter Aguirre

Senior Partner at Aguirre Lawyers & Advisers. Former Manager of the Corporate Legal Department at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Master of Business Administration, University of Quebec at Montreal - MBA Degree. Master in International Law, Washington College of Law, the American University Washington DC - LL.M. Lawyer, Universidad de Lima.

Luis La Madrid

Partner and CEO of HR Latam, Latin American Consulting in Talent Management. Professional Coach and Senior Consultant in Talent Development. Has been President of APERHU and Director of IPFE. Master in Management, ESAN. Industrial Engineer from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria.