
Masters in Auditing: Presentation

Applications Dates

Duration of the Masters

21 months


Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 



​S/. 56,000
(ask for financing)

Contact Us

A specialist will contact you.

Director of the masters: Oscar Caipo
Académic director:Oscar Azambuja


The program is aimed at professionals with a bachelor's degree or college degree in accounting, administration, economics, systems engineering or other related professions working with leading companies and institutions. The positions are: internal auditor, accountant and risk management in the company; auditors and advisers supervisory institutions, regulatory or audit; and external auditors and consultants working in international networks of audit and consulting.  



The objective of the Master in Auditing is to develop skills and competencies in the participants so their professional contribution will add value to the business, better serve the public interest and improve their professional competitiveness.

  • Add value by improving the quality of information, process efficiency, productivity, competitiveness, transparency, and strengthening confidence in the capital markets.
  • Better serve the public interest, to meet professional and ethical expectations of investors, shareholders, creditors, directors and managers, regulators, supervisors, auditors and other stakeholders.
  • To improve their competitiveness, raising the value of your professional brand in order to achieve senior positions and responsibility and expand their employability or contracting options.:
Maestría en Auditoría de la Escuela de Postgrado de la Universidad del Pacífico

Class Profile

Sector de procedencia

Maestría en Auditoría de la Escuela de Postgrado de la Universidad del Pacífico

Cargos de Procedencia

Maestría en Auditoría de la Escuela de Postgrado de la Universidad del Pacífico

Major Institutions where our masters’ students work

  • AGP Perú S.A.C.
  • Ajeper S.A.
  • Albis S.A.
  • American Leasing S.A.
  • América Móvil S.A.C.
  • Banco de la Microempresa - MiBanco
  • Banco de Comercio
  • Banco Santander
  • Banco Continental
  • Camposol
  • Cardif del Perú S.A.
  • Compañía de Minas Buenaventura S.A.
  • Compañía Minera Milpo S.A.A.
  • Compañía Minera Poderosa S.A.
  • Compañía Minera San Ignacio de Morococha
  • Contraloría General de la República
  • Deloitte
  • El Pacífico Peruano Suiza Cia. de Seguros
  • Emerson del Perú S.A.A.
  • EY
  • Fonafe
  • Grant Thornton S.A.C.
  • Komatsu Mitsui Maquinarias Perú S.A.
  • La Positiva Seguros y Reaseguros S.A.
  • Los Portales S.A.
  • Perfumerías Unidas
  • Petróleos del Perú - Petroperú S.A.
  • Profuturo S.A.
  • Rímac Internacional Cía. de Seguros y Reaseguros
  • Securitas S.A.C.
  • Southern Perú Copper Corporation
  • Sunat
  • Superintendencia de Banca y Seguros y AFP
  • Textil Camones S.A.
  • Textil San Jacinto S.A.
  • Transporte Cruz del Sur
  • Votorantim Metais Cajamarquilla