
Corporate MBA International Edition: Faculty

Applications Dates


Duration of the Masters

14 month

Duration of the Master:
4 days, Once a month


Thursdays and Fridays
From 2 p.m. a 9 p.m.
Saturdays 9 a.m. to 6:20 p.m.
Sundays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.


​S/. 140,000

Contact US

A specialist will contact you.

Juan Carlos Mathews

Deputy Minister of MSEs and Industry. Former Executive Director of PromPeru Exports. Doctoral Candidate in Economics and Social Sciences at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria.

Pedro José de Zavala

Director of the Master in Marketing and Business Management from Universidad del Pacifico Graduate School. He has been General Manager and Business Unit Manager of Grupo El Comercio. Master in Business Administration from Universidad de Piura.​

Edgar Alva Gonzales

Head professor and researcher and consultant at the Faculty of Business Studies and the Research Center of Universidad del Pacifico. Doctor in Economics and Business from the University of Deusto, Spain.​

Vanina Farber

Faculty of the Universidad del Pacifico Graduate School. External consultant in the Ministry of Labor and Spanish Cooperation Agency Ph.D. in Business Administration and Master in Economics from the University of Memphis​, USA. Degree in Political Science from Buenos Aires University, Argentina

Rachel Gabel Shemueli

Member of the International Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Ph. D. in Management from the Universidad Ramon Llull de Barcelona, Spain.​

Carlos Parodi Trece

Carlos Parodi

MA in Economics, Georgetown University, ILADES Program, Chile. BA in Economics, Universidad del Pacifico. Senior Professor of the Department of Economics and Lead Investigator of the Research Center from Universidad del Pacifico. 

Aaron Sabbagh Mishaan

Aaron Sabbagh Mishaan

​Partner and General Manager of Ingouville, Nelsos & Asociados Peru. International Consultant in negotiation, innovation and leadership for various companies. Master in Organizational Studies from San Andres University, Argentina.

Gerardo Solís Visscher

Founder and Director of BSV Asset Management. Master in Business Administration from University of Chicago Booth School of Business with major in Analytical Finance, Economics, Econometrics and Statistics.

Sergey Udolkin Dakova

Vice Dean of Accounting of the Faculty of Business Studies, consultant and researcher from Universidad del Pacifico. Master in Business Administration from the University of Texas, United States.

Gustavo Barboza Beraun

Managing Director of Alpha Investments Group. Master in Finance,  Universidad del Pacifico. Law, Universidad de Lima​

Matthew Bird

Professor and researcher at the Universidad del Pacifico Graduate School. Ph.D. in Philosophy of the Department of Comparative Human Development at the University of Chicago, United States​

Arsenio Muñoz

Master in Sustainable Development and Master in Humanitarian Aid, Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid (Spain). Master of Social Management, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Studies in Human Resources, Business Administration School - ESADE (Spain) and in Philosophy, Antonio Ruiz de Montoya University​.​

Gabi Ujike

Academic Director of the Corporate MBA and MBA programs at Universidad del Pacífico Graduate School. She holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Quebec, in Canada.
