
Master in Marketing and Commercial Management: Faculty

Applications Dates

November 16th 2017

Duration of the Masters

22 months
Frequency: Every fifteen days


Thrusdays & Fridays 6:30 at 10:30 p.m.
Saturdays de 9:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m.​


S/. 60,000
(ask for financing)​

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César Antúnez de Mayolo

César Antúnez de Mayolo

Central Manager of Comercializacion de Pandero SA EAFC. Facilitator of Harvard Business School Publishing - Corporate Learning. He was a member of the American Marketing Association, Academy of Marketing Science. Master in Business Administration from Universidad de Piura, Peru​

Alexis Boggio

Alexis Boggio Salazar

Professor of the Academic Department of Administration of the University of the Pacific. He has been Commercial Manager for the Andean Region of Ecuador OSRAM S.A. Master in Business Administration from the University of Piura, Peru.

Jorge Carrillo

Commercial Manager at CRECER Seguros. He has been Deputy Commercial Corporate Manager of Insurance Business of Rimac and Chief of Commercial Intelligence and Control Management at Banco Financiero. Master in Business Administration from Universidad del Pacifico.

Juan Casanova

Head of Business Intelligence​, Pricing and Multimedia Projects Trade Group. Master in Business Administration from ESAN University. Marketing Master in Science by ESIC, Madrid, Spain .

Juan Jose Duffo

Sales Manager of Grupo El Comercio. Master in Business Administration from the Graduate School of Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola.


Pedro José de Zavala

Director of the Master in Marketing and Business Management from Universidad del Pacifico Graduate School. He has been General Manager and Business Unit Manager of Grupo El Comercio. Master in Business Administration from Universidad de Piura.​

José Carlos Mariátegui

Director and founder of Phantasia affiliated Wunderman. Founder of Alta Tecnología Andina - ATA and Ph.D. in Information Systems and Innovation from the London School of Economics - LSE, ​​London, UK.

Eduardo Mantilla

​He has been an A​dvisor to the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Master of Science in Policy Economics from the University of Illinois, United States.

Juan Carlos Mathews

Deputy Minister of MSEs and Industry. Former Executive Director of PromPeru Exports. Doctoral Candidate in Economics and Social Sciences at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria.

David Mayorga

​Vice Chancellor of the University of the Pacific. Doctor Administration Hautes Etudes Commerciales School by Montereal University, Canada.​

Carla Pennano Villanueva

Carla Pennano

Ex Commercial Support Manager Organizational Innovation. Master in Business Administration, M​ajoring in Marketing and Strategy, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada.

Gina Pipoli de Azambuja

Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration at Universidad del Pacífico. Business consultant in the area of marketing. PhD in Economics and Management from Universidad de Deusto, Spain.

Eduardo Rivero

Deputy General Manager of Marine fibers. Master in Business Administration from Universidad del Pacifico.​

Lucila Salazar

Manager Marketing, Advertising and CSR Sodimac Peru - Falabella Group. Master in Business Management, IE Business School. Degree in Architecture and Urbanism​, Universidad Ricardo Palma.

Luis Miguel Sanchez

Commercial Manager from Latina. Former Director General Peru, Peru MPG. Master in Business Management and Marketing from the School of Business Management and Marketing - ESIC (Spain). Business Administration, with a major in Marketing, from Universidad Arturo Prat, Chile.


María Matilde Schwalb

Director of the Center for Responsible Management of Universidad del Pacifico. PhD in Economics and Management from Universidad de Deusto, Spain. Master in Business Administration with a major in Marketing and International Business from the University of Miami, United States.​

Edwards Taboada Diaz

Associated with ALIAR manager S.A.C. He has been National Trade Marketing Manager at Backus SABMiller. Master in Business Administration from the University of Applied Sciences​ (UPC).

Sergey Udolkin Dakova

Vice Dean of Accounting of the Faculty of Business Studies, consultant and researcher from Universidad del Pacifico. Master in Business Administration from the University of Texas, United States.

Gabi Ujike

Academic Director of the Corporate MBA and MBA programs at Universidad del Pacífico Graduate School. She holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Quebec, in Canada.


Kurt Uzategui

​Marketing Manager at UNACEM. He has served as National Trade Marketing Manager and Brand Manager at Johnson & Johnson for Peru and Venezuela. Master in Business Administration from INCAE and the University Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile.​

Karen Weinberger

Faculty, researcher and specialist in entrepreneurship at the University of the Pacific consultant. Master in Management from the University of the Pacific. Diploma of Advanced Studies in Economics and Business from the University of Deusto, Spain​.

Alfredo Hoffmann

Managing Partner of Attegia. Master in Economics and Management from the IESE - University of Navarra, Spain​.